Benefits of Using Wristbands for Real Time Data Capture
Wristband and data capture? What’s the connection here? The latest buzz and today’s trends show that event managers or organizers of large concerts and music festivals rely heavily on using wristbands to better organize these events.
Wristbands are made from a variety of material ranging from silicone wristband, plastic wristband, fabric and Tyvek. Some of these bands are equipped with RFID technology, which stands for radio frequency identification. The wristbands used in large events have a RFID chip embedded in the band that can be programmed and read with the help of a scanner.
The wristbands are like a unique identity tag assigned to a particular individual. It helps monitor the movement of every individual who has been given the wristband without any physical monitoring. Well, there you go — the connection between wristbands and data capture is RFID technology.
There are other benefits of using wristbands both for the organizers as well as the participants of the events. Fans can remain connected with their social media profiles, link their emails as well as wallets. Customers who use RFID technology to make payments are more likely to spend more and makes the transaction process seamless. Organizers can better manage the event with the real time data that is captured by the scanners or sensors.
My friend Janet who works for an event management company recounted her experience of using wristband for real-time data capture. She said that they could speed up the entry process at the venue as they could easily scan more than ten people at a time. The second day of the live concert went off without a hitch as they could get real time insights into the foot traffic at various points and make adjustments accordingly to smoothen out the problematic areas.
With RFID enabled wristbands organizers can eliminate fraud on the tickets. Lost wristbands can be deactivated and new ones issued to the guest. With tickets fully digital it means any last-minute changes can be made simply with a few key strokes on a computer.
As for the participants, they not only benefit from a quick entry by simply scanning their wristband, but they can also go cashless to the venue. This is an added advantage if they have linked their wallet to the RFID tag in the wristband. Spending for food and drinks is easily done by scanning their wristbands. Fans can enjoy an awesome experience without having to worry about their wallets or theft at the crowded venues. And the bar staff do not need to waste time preparing change to give any customers as the electronic method is immediate and removes the need for physical cash.
All the data that is captured with the help of RFID enabled wristbands can be used productively to plan future events and improve the experience for the participants. It is also useful information for the sponsors of the event to understand market trends and plan their marketing strategy accordingly.
At you can choose the type of wristbands you would like to use at your event. Superior quality and competitive pricing is the hallmark of this online supplier of Customised wristbands which ships all over Europe. They offer all types of product including Fabric Festival wristbands which are ideal to include an RFID chip. Speak to them about how this new technology can assist at your venue or event.